Scout Camps do not run without these folks. Fort George is no different.  


Site Department:

We need energetic people to help our Site Department setup before the event starts. Help maintain the grounds during the event. Take down always goes faster with many hands. 

Our Site Safety and First-Aid departments are always looking for recruits to join their teams. These teams are essential to the safe execution of the event. Medical Ventures and Police Rovers are very valuable and much appreciated teams in our camp. 

Program Staff

Cub Program

Cubs are an energetic and curious group. We need older youth who can match their energy and enthusiasm to help run the cub program.  

Scout Program

There is a wide variety of positions that experienced youth can hold at Fort George Scout Brigade. These can take place at both the Regimental level, and the Brigade level. Please contact your Regiment HQ, or Brigade for more information.


Openings, closings, and Scout’s Own are important parts of any scout camp. We need enthusiastic volunteers to help organize, and run these ceremonies.

For those working on their Queen Venturer Award or the Duke of Edinburgh Awards we offer some limited spots with our Site department that meets the residential requirements of those awards. This involves Offer of Service at both the September and Winter events. 

Send us an email to find our more information about any of these roles! If you have older Scouts, Venturers or Rovers who are interested in this experience, please email us